dad greeting young daughter outside home


We're always trying to make the numbers work for you.

Lower rates on mortgages, vehicle financing and other loans keep your monthly payments in line with your budget. And higher dividend rates help grow Share/Savings, Money Market and Share Certificate balances even faster. At OFCU, our rates are set with our members’ financial wellness in mind.

Go to Account Rates

Loan Rates

All rates are subject to change without notice, please call for special promotions, rates and terms.

APR is annual percentage rate. All rates shown are "as low as". All consumer loan rates are determined by an assessment of your credit and may vary from rate shown. APY is annual percentage yield. Call 1.800.991.9219 for current rates.

New Auto Loans
New Autos = 2025 and 2024, or 2023 with less than 10,000 miles

Loan Type Rate (as low as) Term
New Auto Loans 5.29% APR 0 - 35 Months
New Auto Loans 5.69% APR 36-59 Months
New Auto Loans 6.19% APR 60-83 months*
*Secured loans 72-83 months require a loan amount minimum of $15k.

Used Auto Loans
Used Autos = 2014 or Newer

Loan Type Rate (as low as) Term
Used Auto Loans 5.49% APR 0 - 35 Months
Used Auto Loans 5.89% APR 36-59 Months
Used Auto Loans 6.39% APR 60-83 Months
*Secured loans 72-83 months require a loan amount minimum of $15k.

New Recreational Vehicles
Recreational vehicles include motorhomes, campers, boats, motorcycles, ATVs, snowmobiles, jet skis, etc.
New = 2025 and 2024, or 2023 with less than 10,000 miles

Loan Type Rate (as low as) Term
New RV's 5.29% APR 0 - 35 Months
New RV's 5.69% APR 36-59 Months
New RV's 6.19% APR 60-83 Months
New RV's 6.99% APR 84 - 144 Months*
*Secured loans 72-83 months require a loan amount minimum of $15k.
**Secured loans 84 months or greater require a loan amount minimum of $30k.  

Used Recreational Vehicles
Used = 2014 or newer

Loan Type Rate (as low as) Term
Used RV's 5.49% APR 0 - 35 Months
Used RV's 5.89% APR 36-59 Months
Used RV's 6.39% APR 60-83 Months
Used RV's 7.19% APR 84-144 Months*
*Secured loans 72-83 months require a loan amount minimum of $15k.
**Secured loans 84 months or greater require a loan amount minimum of $30k.

Personal Loans

Loan Type Rate (as low as) Term
Personal Loan 8.89% APR 0 - 60 Months

Overdraft Protection Line Of Credit

Type Fixed APR Amount
Overdraft Protection LOC 15.00% APR Limits between $500 - $2,000

Home Equity Loans
Minimum Loan Amount of $5,000; Maximum Loan Amount of $350,000

Loan Type APR Rate Maximum Term Maximum LTV
Home Equity Fixed-Rate 7.25%* 7.25% 60 Months 90%
Home Equity Fixed-Rate 7.50%* 7.50% 120 Months 90%
Home Equity Fixed-Rate 7.75%* 7.75% 180 Months 90%
Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) 7.25%** Variable
Unsecured Home Improvement 8.00%* 8.00% 60 Months n/a
Unsecured Home Improvement 9.00%* 9.00% 120 Months n/a
Home Improvement 7.50%* 7.50% 120 Months 133%
*Annual Percentage Rate. Rates subject to change daily. Maximum 90% LTV. Free Closing Costs (some restrictions may apply). Membership eligibility required, including $5 minimum Share Account balance. Property insurance required. Flood insurance required when applicable.
**Introductory rate. Fixed for 6 months, then Prime-0.25% adjusted monthly. Prime is at 7.50% as of 12/20/2024 as published in the Wall Street Journal. Annual Percentage Rate may vary. Maximum APR is 18%. Minimum APR is 4%. Membership eligibility required, including $5 minimum Share Account balance. Property insurance required. Flood insurance required when applicable.

Mortgage Rates

Mortgage Rates Rate (as low as)
Please click on link above (in green) for current rates

Visa Credit Cards

VISA Credit Card Rate (as low as)
Unsecured 6.90% APR*
Secured 4.90% APR**
*The Unsecured VISA® interest rate is determined by credit score, and can be as low as 6.9% annual percentage rate, calculated at the periodic rate of .575% per month. The maximum interest rate is 17.9% annual percentage rate, calculated at the periodic rate of 1.492%.
**The Share Secured VISA® Finance Charge (interest) is calculated at the periodic rate of .408% per month, which is an Annual Percentage Rate of 4.9%. For a full disclosure contact Oxford Federal Credit Union.

Account Rates

All rates are subject to change without notice, please check with your local office for current specials, rates and terms

APY is annual percentage yield

Savings Accounts

Account Type APY (as high as) Minimum Opening Deposit
Savings Accounts 0.10% $5.00
Checking Account N/A $0.00
Club Accounts 0.10% $0.00
IRA Shares 0.10% $0.00
Money Market ($2,500-$25,000) 2.50% $2,500
2.75% $25,000.01
3.00% $75,000.01

Share Certificates & IRA Certificates

Account Type APY (as high as) Term Minimum Opening Deposit
3 Month Certificate 2.75% 3 - 5 Months $500.00
6 Month Certificate 4.00% 6 - 11 Months $1,000.00
12 Month Certificate 4.00% 12 - 23 Months $1,000.00
24 Month Certificate 3.90% 24 - 35 Months $1,000.00
36 Month Certificate 3.90% 36 - 47 Months $1,000.00
48 Month Certificate 3.80% 48 - 59 months $1,000.00
60 Month Certificate 3.80% 60 Months $1,000.00
(1) Fees and withdrawals could reduce the earnings on accounts.
(2) A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal.
(3) Compounding if any.
Jumbo ($95,000 and greater) Share Certificates & IRA Share Certificates rates are available by contacting 1.800.991.9219. Penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal

Oxford Federal Credit Union is a full-service financial institution serving members in Androscoggin, Cumberland, Franklin, Kennebec, Knox, Lincoln, Oxford, Sagadahoc, Somerset and York counties in Maine.

Prepare for your future with an IRA.